Shop Talk #001: James Spaite

Who is James Spaite: 

James Spaite is a singer-songwriter from San Diego, California. His music is a product of the conversations he has with friends and the life he experiences on a daily basis whether it be on the road or simply observing his surroundings over a cup of coffee. With a new album on the horizon and one already under his belt we highly recommend following along with James on his journey.

You can find James on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook at @jamesspaite. To listen to his music simply search James Spaite on Spotify, Apple Music, Etc.


Quick Five:

  1. Currently listening to: PJ Morton, The Collection, Darassa, Natalia Lafourcade
  2. Never leave home without: Reusable Water Bottle
  3. Dream collaboration: Beyoncé
  4. Podcast Recommendation: The Liturgists
  5. Bucket List Adventure: Cycle the 8,000-ish miles from Vancouver, Canada BC to Ushuaia, AR performing the whole way. Current plan is Summer 2019 - Winter 2020. 


Longform Five:

  1. When and how did you get into making music?

    I started making music when I was really young. It was all around me: My dad plays guitar and sings, my grandma plays the piano, flute, and composes, my grandpa plays the trumpet, one of my neighbors was a percussionist for Carlos Santana, and the list kept growing as I got older. I had a lot of opportunity to be around key boards, congas, guitars, shakers, drums, etc. and it allowed me to experiment and grow.

  2. Where do you draw the most inspiration from? My inspiration kind of feels like my identity: a random mix of so many different things. If I had to narrow it down, conversations with friends.

  3. What story do you hope to tell through your work? A story of possibility that would inspire people toward practicing selflessness. To expand on that: compassion, empathy, gratitude, humility, hospitality, peace, etc.
  4. What has been your biggest challenge as an artist? Insecurity.
  5. What advice do you have for someone looking to pursue a career in music? 

    Work really hard. No one else is going to do it for you. And make connections based on valuing other people, not what you can get out of it.


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